A basis for the organisation and classification of ragas depending on the notes used
Preferred time or season for playing
The most prominent note of a raga
VadiThe second most prominent note of a raga
Categorization based on number of notes used in aroh and avaroh
Jati:Containing 5 notes
AudavContaining 7 notes
SampurnaDo not follow strict ascending or descending order of notes
VakraEmotions evoked by the raga
Mood:Chanchal (Lively), Karun (Sad, Compassionate), Shringar (Romantic)
Pilu is one of the most used ragas in semi classical presentations due to its nature. It is one of the complex ragas having shades of many ragas like Khamaj, Kafi etc. This raga uses both forms of , and . Usually forms are used in and forms in . But expert artists may use both forms of all the notes, in which case it is called Mishra Pilu. Guidance from a teacher is essential to understanding and getting the right phrases for this raga.
Lively and playful
chanchalA natural note (corresponds to notes in Western major scale)
shuddhaAscending movement of notes
arohA flat note
komalDescending movement of notes