A basis for the organisation and classification of ragas depending on the notes used
Preferred time or season for playing
Time:Early morning
The most prominent note of a raga
VadiThe second most prominent note of a raga
Categorization based on number of notes used in aroh and avaroh
Jati:Containing 7 notes
SampurnaContaining 7 notes
SampurnaDo not follow strict ascending or descending order of notes
VakraEmotions evoked by the raga
Mood:Shant (Serene, Peaceful)
Ramkali is one of the morning ragas. This raga is similar to Bhairav except for the use of both forms of and as well as lack of on and . Both and are . The and komal are used in a unique manner as in phrases like . Tivra is used along with in manner while komal is used in between two , mostly as a grace note. and are used in both and . has more prominence.
Sunrise or sunset time period
sandhiprakashSlight oscillation applied around a note
andolanA flat note
komalA sharp note
tivraAscending movement of notes
arohiA natural note (corresponds to notes in Western major scale)
ShuddhaAscending movement of notes
arohDescending movement of notes